VSS Supports “End It Movement”

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Tuesday, 23 April 2013

The team at Vein Specialists of the South chose the End It Movement as an April project to support. We encourage you to take a stand.  Find one organization of the many which you will embrace, become an agent of change in social networking, in your community, with your friends, relatives, and peer groups. Demand attention. Call your own congressman, and in your strongest words demand that they take action. Stand up for the hopeless, the voiceless, the imprisoned, and the slaves. You can make a difference, take a stand; your voice will strengthen the cause.


The facts about modern-day slavery:

  • Today, the practice of slavery is “on the books” illegal in every country in the world.
  • But slavery is prevalent in an estimated 161 countries, including the United States.
  • Between 14,000 and 17,500 people are trafficked into the U.S. annually.
  • According to CNN’s Freedom Project, in 1850, the cost of a slave (in today’s dollars) was $40,000. Today, the average price of a slave is $90.
  • Atlanta, GA, 2nd largest trafficking hub in the world
  • Average victim is 18-24 years old
  • 79% of all slaves are sexually exploited
  • An average of 1.2 million children trafficked annually
  • Every minute, 2 children have been sold into slavery
  • Human trafficking alone generates $32 Billion every year.


Visit Enditmovement.com and Enditmacon.com to learn more about Human Trafficking and Slavery.

Over 18,000 Procedures Performed

Dr. Kenneth Harper, founder of Vein Specialists of the South, has evaluated more than 22,000 patients and performed over 18,000 procedures since 2000. Dr. Harper is a leader in comprehensive vein care, having focused on diagnosis and treatments for varicose veins, spider veins, venous ulcers, and leg swelling since 1997.


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