Super Easy Ways to Get Flawless Legs

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Tuesday, 24 July 2018

With our busy modern-day schedules, can be hard to get in a good work out. However, by working these quick and easy exercises into your daily routine, you can start your journey to flawless or nearly flawless legs that look good and feel great. Help keep your legs venous disease free and beautifully sculpted with these fast, simple, and lifestyle-friendly fitness tips.

Why You Need These Fitness Tips For Flawless Legs

It’s not vain to care about how you look. We all want legs that look amazing in shorts. How you look is an indication of your health. By taking better care of your legs, you are promoting long-lasting healthy circulation and reducing your risk of developing varicose veins, spider veins, leg swelling, and blood clots.

Work It At The Office

Whether you stand or sit all day for work, you’re putting a lot of unhealthy pressure on your legs. This can increase your risk of developing spider veins, varicose veins, leg swelling, and even blood clots.

  1. For healthier, flawless legs, do calf raises to pump your calf muscles. These can be done while sitting or standing.
  2. Have a short break or phone call? Take a walk. Take a lap around the block or the office. You can even pace back and forth, as long as you’re moving.

Get Your Fitness On At Home

Flawless legs can happen anytime, anywhere.

  1. Get off the couch during your favorite television shows and walk in place or around the room.
  2. Remember those stretches from gym class? Time to use them again.
  3. If you feel like getting fancy, try some Pilates. Simple squats, leg raises, or just reaching to touch your toes can all improve your leg health and appearance.

Lines Can’t Fence You In


Whether it’s the DMV or the bank, if you’re stuck in line or in a waiting room, you can work on your legs.

  1. Pull out those calf raises again. You can also just flex your calf muscles without pushing up onto your toes.
  2. If you aren’t stuck in a physical line, such as waiting for your number to be called at the takeout window, walk around a little bit.

Traffic Jam Fitness

If you’re at a dead stop, put the vehicle in park and think about your legs.

  1. Flex your calf muscles. The people behind you can wait the extra couple of seconds it takes for you to get back in gear and drive once the traffic clears.
  2. If it’s a really bad traffic jam that day, pull over and get out of the vehicle to walk around and stretch. How much time and distance are you really losing, anyway?

Text And Flex

Don’t sit on your behind or stand around while texting or browsing social media.

  1. If you’re serious about achieving flawless legs, then do some simple stretches, leg lifts, or calf raises.
  2. You can even “take a break” while also improving your circulation by lying down flat on the floor and leaning your legs up against the wall. This improves healthy blood flow back toward your heart, reducing your risk of varicose veins, spider veins, and blood clots.

Step It Up And Take The Stairs

Don’t avoid the stairs.

  1. If it’s just one floor, take the stairs up and down.
  2. If there’s only an escalator, walk up the escalator. There’s no rule that says you have to stand still on the moving stairs. Climb!

Park Far Far Away


Whether you’re going grocery shopping or just heading to the office, parking close to the door isn’t necessary for most people.

  1. If you want flawless legs, park farther away. You need to walk more, not less.
  2. Bonus: Cars that are parked far away from the front door tend to get less body damage. That’s because everyone else is trying to park as close to the front door as possible. Fewer cars nearby means less body damage.

We Can’t Promise Flawless Legs, But We Can Help You Achieve BetterLooking™ Legs

Take care of your body, and it will take care of you. However, heredity and hormones can often have other plans for us all. If you have visible varicose veins or spider veinsschedule a consultation at Vein Specialists of the South in Downtown Macon or Warner Robins, GA. We offer additional resources and minimally-invasive treatments to help you achieve Better Veins for Life®.

Over 18,000 Procedures Performed

Dr. Kenneth Harper, founder of Vein Specialists of the South, has evaluated more than 22,000 patients and performed over 18,000 procedures since 2000. Dr. Harper is a leader in comprehensive vein care, having focused on diagnosis and treatments for varicose veins, spider veins, venous ulcers, and leg swelling since 1997.


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Are embarrassing Varicose Veins keeping you from wearing shorts?

  • Understand the underlying cause of varicose veins.
  • Determine if your unsightly varicose veins could be more than a cosmetic concern.
  • Learn what to expect at your vein evaluation.
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